Enrique DansSamsung: how do you handle an unprecedented crisis?Last Wednesday, for the first time in many years, my ears suddenly pricked up during the routine cabin safety announcement.Sep 24, 2016
TechgenyzSamsung Plans to Sell Refurbished Galaxy Note 7 and Recycle ComponentsWe all know the story about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which was a big disaster. So now, Samsung is planning to reuse it for future sale. A…Jul 24, 2017Jul 24, 2017
TechgenyzWhat caused Galaxy Note 7 battery explosion? Samsung explains in an InfographicSamsung launched the Galaxy Note 7 to maintain records of its sales and demand, but the rosy start turn sour. Samsung had faced a big…Jan 24, 2017Jan 24, 2017
Enrique DansSamsung: how do you handle an unprecedented crisis?Last Wednesday, for the first time in many years, my ears suddenly pricked up during the routine cabin safety announcement.Sep 24, 2016
TechgenyzSamsung Plans to Sell Refurbished Galaxy Note 7 and Recycle ComponentsWe all know the story about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which was a big disaster. So now, Samsung is planning to reuse it for future sale. A…Jul 24, 2017
TechgenyzWhat caused Galaxy Note 7 battery explosion? Samsung explains in an InfographicSamsung launched the Galaxy Note 7 to maintain records of its sales and demand, but the rosy start turn sour. Samsung had faced a big…Jan 24, 2017
TechgenyzSamsung to announce more enhanced assurance measures for product safetyAfter months doldrums Samsung finally revealed the reason behind the Galaxy Note 7 fire. Reports presented by the third-party analyst firms…Jan 24, 2017
TechgenyzSamsung Galaxy S8 is on the way to market, but not to be launched at MWCAmid the revelation behind the reason of Galaxy Note 7 battery issue Samsung implied on Monday that its coming flagship Galaxy S smartphone…Jan 24, 2017
TechgenyzBattery size is blamed for Galaxy Note 7 fire, reveals Samsung investigationSamsung finally could figure out the reason behind Galaxy Note 7 battery blunder. A report on The Wall Street Journal shows the…Jan 21, 2017